Tuesday, May 28, 2013

5th Annual Homeless Veterans Day - A Big Success!


More than 1,100 people were served during our 5th Annual Homeless Veterans Day event, held on Memorial day. It was a wet afternoon, but spirits were high. A big thank you to our guest speaker,
Chaplain William O. Barefield (LTC-R), Retired United States Army, the Tripple Nickle Honor Color Guard and singer Kristen Eddings. King 5 was on site, capturing all of the festivities - check out our story: http://www.king5.com/video?id=209111171&sec=549122&ref=rcvidmod

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Memorial Day - 5th Annual Homeless Veterans Day - Is Almost Here

More than 1,500 men, women and children are expected to be in attendance at the Bread of Life Mission’s 5th Annual Homeless Veterans Day on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27th from noon to 4 p.m.

We are so thankful to those who have served our country and have fought for our freedom. We want to honor them and let them know they are not forgotten,” said BOLM Executive Director Willie Parish. Guests will be served a complimentary BBQ lunch, enjoy a special message from guest speaker, Chaplain William O. Barefield (LTC-R), Retired United States Army, and will enjoy a great sense of community. I Corps Honor Guard will be on hand to support the special event.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bernard gets local attention for a changed life!

Bernard – A Transformed Life Featured on King 5 News! Homeless and broken, Bernard walked into Bread Of Life Mission nearly two years ago wanting a transformation. He went from bank robber to a true believer and follower in Christ. He now lives his life through the Lord’s direction, and has also reignited a relationship with his two sons. His life’s story was featured on King 5 News on May 8, 2013. Praise God for another life changed for his glory. Watch his story: http://www.king5.com/home/Convicted-felon-makes-good-on-second-chance-206705931.html 

Drive By Fooding Brings out nearly 275!

On the third Saturday of each month, Bread of Life Mission, LifeChange program men and a handfull of volunteers head down to City Hall Park to serve lunch to the homeless community. This is a chance for us to give back, and reach those that are living on the streets, and not inside our walls at BOLM.

It was a beautiful day, with a large showing of 274 people.