Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer Is Here!

Summer in Seattle is a lovely time.

People are happier, the air smells crisp and fresh. Seemingly, everyone is in a great mood and thanking God for the lovely weather. But, what about those that don't have seasonal clothes, air conditioning, a cool drink or a home to call their own? What happens when the temperature rises for our homeless friends? That is where the Bread of Life Mission comes in. We are here, everyday to offer a place of respite. Praise God we have the beautiful Pioneer Square building to offer to our guests. A place to unwind, relax, share in community with one another and stay cool.

At the Bread of Life Mission, we are reminded each season that God is good, and he provides for us all.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Dinner - Celebrating our Risen King!

What a wonderful sight - as volunteers streamed into the Mission ready to serve our guests on Easter Sunday. We provided ham, turkey, veggies, salad, rolls and "angel" eggs. We topped it all off with cake and pie. It was a great example of the hearts of our volunteers. One said, "This is where I have been every Easter for the past four years," she emphasized. "I don't live near my family, so the Bread of Life Mission is where I go each holiday and I love it here!" What a generous servant. BOLM is blessed to have so much support - on Easter and every other day of the year. Praise God!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Volunteers are the HEART of our work!

Volunteers are the heart-beat and pulse of what we are all about at the Mission. Through their love of our guests, and the selfless giving they provide over and over again, we see the beauty in God's people. These Christian men and women, from all over our great country, come into the mission with a vigor and determination to complete any and all tasks they are given! What a joy to meet so many new faces and see how God is leading their lives.
Thank you to all of the many people who have and will pass through our doors at the Bread of Life Mission. Our staff appreciates you, our guests appreciate you and most important God appreciates and sees your heart. You are all jewels. Praise be to him that made you!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Spring Is On It's Way!

It is pretty amazing, that we can provide meals to our homeless guests for less than $2 per meal! With spring, and Easter, just around the corner we are reminded of how God renews. He is the master planner for each of our lives, and he has not forgotten our homeless friends.
With the rainy season pouring down on our city, many of our guests have been visiting us in our Day Shelter, which is open Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Our Day Shelter gives our guests a place to stay warm, relax and renew. We are so thankful for our historic building, and for what it provides our visitors. Can you offer $2 today, or perhaps even $20? Please pray about your donation and do what you can this season to offer a meal.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Seahawks are in the Super Bowl!

It is not every day that our team, in our town, is in the Super Bowl! At the Mission, we are so excited to open our doors and let in our guests to watch this monumental game. We are blessed to have a large screen TV, a warm chapel, and a large kitchen to make some game-day dishes to share. We expect it to be a full house, with lots of laughing and shouting. What a luxury, a place of comfort for our guests - a day free from worry. God is truly good!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

75 Years - and Going Strong

It is hard to imagine what life must have been like in Pioneer Square 75 years ago...
Times were certainly different, but yet the need was still the same. There were hungry, homeless men, women and children in need of help. 1939 was the year that Bread of Life Mission was founded. The year that the Lord called upon his people to serve his neediest children. What a wonderful, warm place for him to love his believers back to stability with food, shelter and his Word for direction in their lives. Praise God - his work continues on!